Mikhaila's 4th Birthday - Princess and Superheroes Themed Birthday

Before I blog about Mikhaila's 5th Birthday, let me first blog about her 4th birthday. I can't imagine that I didn't blog about this at all. Her fourth birthday was a Princess and Superheroes themed birthday. What was supposed to be a simple celebration at home turned out to be a small gathering for kids and kids at heart.

So let me share with you the details to her simple party.
This is what Mikhaila wore on her birthday which I bought in Marikina, and I totally forgot how much it cost.

If you knew me, you'll know that I always want to add some personal touch to everything. And Yes, I made her invitation myself. These were given to the girls and  the Mcdonald's invites were given to the boys. I made Mikhaila visit her friends' house and give the invites to them personally.

This was meant to be a simple celebration at home just for the kids to have some fun. I borrowed a tent and curtains so that the place had some shed and "privacy" feel harhar. Rented tables,chairs, and banderitas. The balloons came from Mcdonald's since I ordered for them food and paid for them to host the party. The small tent at Mikhaila's back is hers, I decided to use it as a decor.

I was surprised that her guests made an effort to dress themselves up, and they really looked great!

Even my Ates dressed themselves up to support Mikhaila's party.

And of course, as a mom, I would do anything for my daughter, and that includes wearing a Pony costume on her special day.

This is Mikhaila's Birthday cake in which I bought in a local cake shop named Ivy Chris located near our place. I also bought cotton candy for everyone, and rented Manong Sorbetero for only Ph700 and it was so sulit. I ordered the children's food from Mcdonald's and for the adult, I asked my sis-in-law to cook.

Everyone had fun,the kids and the kids at heart. They loved the food, the games, finished every single cones of ice cream, and every plastic of cotton candy. =)

But the happiest of them all was me cause I was able to deposit another happy memory in our my daughter's Childhood Memory Bank.
