Working Mom - Spending Quality Time

I have always envied stay-at-home moms cause they get to spend a lot time together with their kids, monitor them daily, guide them every step of the way. I also look up to them since they have given up career opportunities just so they can be full time mothers. 

So when I got pregnant, I really wanted to be a stay-at- home mom until Mikhaila turns ten. But with career opportunities,( and now as a single mom) I do not have any choice but to become a working mother.

Working eight hours for six days, with almost four hours travel time daily, I get to spend only at least 3 hours a day with my daughter. Urgh, just thinking of how much time I spend at work than with the person that matters to me the most makes me really sad. 

As cliche as it sounds, parenting has always been a balancing act especially for single, working moms.Quality time with your kids is no doubt as important as quantity time, but not all mothers can afford to spend the whole day with the kids. So if you're like me who spends little time with your kid, here's how I make sure that my short time with my daughter is really well spent.

1. Make Sure To Make Your Kid Feel Missed

No matter how tired or stressed you are with your day, do not ever let your kids feel it. Leave all the worries to wherever it belongs, and be a MOTHER the moment you get home. 
Whenever I come home from the office, I see my daughter jumps happily , calls out to me loudly and runs to me with excitement. In return, I always make sure to greet her with wide smile and hug her tight, and make her sure that she is missed so dearly. Of course, its always a joy seeing your daughter's reaction every time she sees you.

2. Do things for and with her.

I'm pretty sure you the moment you get home, all you want is to relax, eat sumptuously, pamper yourself and doze off to bed because you are just too tired. However, being a mom is a full time job. Reality check! The moment you get home, you'll see toys lying around the floor and hear loud sound of the television (okay, maybe I'm the only one who experience this haha).
Mikhaila has always been clingy so whenever I am home, I make sure I do things for her such as feeding her dinner, bringing her to the toilet to pee, wash her, change her diaper, comb her hair. I really do believe that these simple things will make her feel loved and cared for. Believe me, my daughter requires all my attention, and it makes me feel guilty whenever I find myself all hooked up watching teleseryes and whatnot. Sometimes, when Im too busy with my phone, she disrupts me and purposely asks me to do things for her.

3. Create closer connection.

Sunday is very important day for me, not just because its my time off from work, but because my daughter gets to wake up in the morning with me beside her. I really treasure that moment! Most of the time I wake up ahead of her but I will just stay in bed and wait for her to wake up. And when she does, I always pretend to sleep so she can wake me up through kisses and tight hugs! My dad always tells me that Mikhaila's happiness is usually more than the usual whenever I am home.

Night time is as important. Its brings me closer to my daughter. I get to sing to her, cuddle her, read her stories, massage her, pray with her and simply be with her. Our night usually ends with a kiss goodnight and an I love you. Feels great to be a mom!

Of course, each and every one of us have our own ways to bond with our kids. What works for me don't necessarily work for you. Every kid has different personalities, but they have one thing in common, they need a lot of loving! Its normal for working mothers like us to feel guilty but don't worry, spending lesser time with your kids doesn't make you lesser of a mother. Remember, there are no perfect parents, nobody can ever teach you on how to be a good one. It is not a competition and don't ever judge yourself for not doing everything right. A smile on your kid is good enough to tell you how good of a parent you are! 
