Nestle Nesfruta

These last two days at the office was extra fun. As we entered the building, a unique set up at the reception welcomed us with this unusual scents of fruits, a huge banner of the newly launched Nestle Nesfruta, and crates of the three fruits that it offers.

At the cafeteria, there was this booth that offers the three flavours of Nestle Nesfruta, namely mango, orange and pineapple. My ultimate favourite is Nestle Nesfruta Pineapple.

And then there's this thing we always look forward to in every activity, THE PHOTOBOOTH.

There was this contest that whoever comes up with the most unique way in portraying the face dictionary and with the most number of votes win. And the picture below is my entry. Hahahah, A for effort! 

 Me and Liam with different layout. 

 The fun did not stop there, the following day, there was  this one of a kind set up that captures your photos as you move. We really did take advantage of this.

Look at the set up, parang totoong photoshoot.


 We really had a great laugh when it was Mj's turn. She really gave her best, her facial expressions were hilarious!

 And here are my souvenirs. It may look like a simple booklet, but once you flip it, you'll see a what seems to be a moving picture. This is really cool guys, you'll be amaze when you see the actual booklet.

  And here is our group pictures each holding a cup of Nestle Nesfruta of our choice.
Thank you Nestle Nesfruta for the extra fun launch!

So guys, what are you waiting for? Nestle Nesfruta is available at your nearest supermarket, try it today to experience the real fruit drink!

Like Nestle Nesfruta Fan page here and watch their TVC here.


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