Republiq Halloween Party : Wicked Wonderland

We have been planning for our Halloween party this year. Since its my first time attending one, I was really excited. I wanted to be practical and I did not want to spend too much on a one night event,so I just bought a Warrior Hottie costume at SM Department Store.

We were so lucky to be guest-listed at Republiq. We didn't want to spend 1,500php each just for tickets.

Joyce as Devil Bride, May as Heroine, Me as Warrior Hottie and Reg as Nurse
It was so nice dressing up that night, and we were amazed by the different costumes we saw. There were ladies dressed in Snow white, Red Riding Hood, Jasmine, and there were hotties dressed as Nurses, Police Woman, Sailors and so much more.

We also spotted a lot of celebrities. 

Alice Dixon as Minnie Mouse

 Jake Cuenca as himself
 Regine Tolentino as Wonder Woman
 Just as we were about to leave, Melvs told me that my idol just passed by us. I was thinking, could it be Camille Co, Laureen Uy or Tricia Gosingtian?

This really made my day!

Im so looking forward to next year's event. I'm thinking of a hot police woman costume. *wink*
