I have been transparent about how I really want to loose weight and trim down these extra inches on my belly. Unfortunately, it is a lot harder than I thought.
If you have been reading my blog, you'll know how badly I want get rid of these extra pounds.
I have tried all sorts of things like dieting and exercising but it has been eight months since I gave birth, and so far, I only lost 3 kgs! I even bought slimming pills which I didn't drink yet cause I'm too scared of the side effects it may have on me.
Let me share with you some photos on my "ugly transformation".

This was me before I got pregnant.
This was me when I was pregnant.
At first, you'll feel that everything will be okay, and that you're ready for the changes. But when flabby arms, big thighs and stretch marks starts showing, you can't help but get depressed.
Look how fat I am right now! How I wish I could Shape and Sculpt all these fats away.
I know that the moment I decided to be a mom, change is bound to happen. But as a mom, my only wish is to change for the better. I have carried a baby for nine months, bear the labor pains and dealt with sleepless nights. Hey, I deserve a break! I deserve to be beautiful!
I want to gain back my confidence but I can only do so if I get back the body I once had. I want to feel good about myself once again.
FLAWLESS is celebrating National Flawless Month this December and I am grabbing this opportunity to be flawlessly beautiful and make my man fall inlove with me all over again.
In celebration of its 11th birthday, Flawless is inviting everyone to take advantage of its 1 + 1 beauty blowout this National Flawless Month. If this isn’t the best time to boost or jumpstart your top to toe beauty transformation, then I don’t know what is. Go to www.flawless.com.ph or visit a clinic near you for more information.
FLAWLESS is celebrating National Flawless Month this December and I am grabbing this opportunity to be flawlessly beautiful and make my man fall inlove with me all over again.
In celebration of its 11th birthday, Flawless is inviting everyone to take advantage of its 1 + 1 beauty blowout this National Flawless Month. If this isn’t the best time to boost or jumpstart your top to toe beauty transformation, then I don’t know what is. Go to www.flawless.com.ph or visit a clinic near you for more information.
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