Multiple Celebrations at Casa Ibiza

Last weekend was something I looked forward to not just because of the super long weekend, but also for the multiple celebrations. My officemates and I purchased a voucher from Ensogo good for 10 pax with free dinner and breakfast, overnight stay and free use of swimming pool at Casa Ibiza located in Antipolo.

It was originally a venue for our Christmas party. But since some of us will no longer be around by Christmas, and some of us celebrated and will be celebrating our birthdays, we decided to celebrate all these in one night.

I found the place really nice considering its location; I was expecting more of a common resort I visited in Antipolo. The place was quiet making us feel as if it was exclusive.



I love the color of the place, it was so camera ready, dont you think?

I must say, they have clean swimming pool.

As I arrived at the venue, I immediately freshened up since I came from a whole day meeting. I could stay in the bathroom for hours, I so missed bathing with hot water.
Anyway, the rest of the gang arrived a moment later, just in time for dinner.

 Then, we readied (yes, readied talaga!) ourselves for our inuman session. FYI guys, we are all social drinkers, hindi lang halata.

I was excited cause it was my first time to drink lambanog. Actually, Casa Ibiza don’t allow liquors but we were so hard headed.

Look at us, we were hit by the gangnam virus!

We all have been together for almost three years already, and we feel so much at ease with each other. The thought of us separating is really sad, but we are all happy cause we know that the change is for the better. Kuya Denver will be leaving for Canada, Carlo will be focusing on his business and another (still can’t reveal for now) has been offered a better opportunity.

The event was also a multiple birthday celebrations of Jude, Carlo, Doms and me!
And the best part? I hear wedding bells!!!
Can you guess who? Hmmm, I will keep it as a surprise for now, just continue reading my blog to find out who. The love was over flowing that night! Aside from the wedding announcement, there was also a confirmation from our new lovebirds, sila na nga! Ang showbiz kase e. Harhar.

So many reasons to celebrate!
We were all so tipsy, we decided to dive into the pool! Wohoo! Kabooom! It was so  nice to swim while I was drunk. We really had a good time. The water was freezing but we really didn’t care.
I really had a blast that night.

Ever wondered what happened to us the following morning?


We managed to take pictures while waiting for our breakfast.

Ahm, who ate the rest of the corned beef?? Harhar. Well, maybe because the whole package was discounted, kaya ayan, so little serving of food.

Idaan nalang sa swimming.

After we realized that Mr. Sun was shining hotly on us, we immediately went back to our room, freshened up and we were good to go!


 We were not at all satisfied with what we had for breakfast. As a treat for ourselves, we dropped by Chicboy to have our lunch.


This is a definite "overnight" to remember!
