Mikhaila's Milestones

Oh how time flies so fast, Mikhaila is now on her 7th month. Few months back, she was just giving me a kick from inside my womb, and now, she can already do wonders. Let me share with you some of her milestones.

 As early as her fourth month, I already introduce solid food to her; she has a really good appetite.

For her meals, I give her Cerelac of different variant. I usually mix it with vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and potatoes or fruits like banana, pear, apple and papaya. I also add some milk and water.

She also learned how to roll over from back to stomach.

When Mikhaila turned five months, she could already sit with guidance.

And when she reached her sixth month, she was able to crawl little by little.
Her playpen was a big help. Because it was spacious enough and secured, she was able to practice crawling.

She can also hold things on her hand. I usually give her something to play with on her mealtime, and she bangs it on her high chair. Sometimes, she let it fall on purpose, making me pick it up so many times.

I also make sure to let her watch her nursery rhymes and Barney on her portable TV. Mikhaila is such a darling; I always see her giggle whenever she sees Barney on screen.
I’m so amazed on how she reacts to it.
I’m planning to buy her story books and flash cards; I want our bonding to be her learning time as well.

And now on her seventh month, I make Mikhaila practice walking on her walker, which we bought few months back (excited lang?hahah). Actually, her lola paid for it, she didn’t allow us to use our money.

Whenever she is in her playpen and wants to be carried, she would hold on to the side railings and let herself stand.

She also reacts whenever someone is talking to her. She really has a loud voice. And whenever her Yaya or I sing to her, she would also sing along.
For me, parents play a very important role on how a baby achieves her milestone. Being able to witness all that is just PRICELESS. I’m so happy my baby turned out to be a jolly one, always smiling at whoever she sees.
