Happy 7th Month

I realized that I have not blogged about Mikhaila's 7th month celebration.

So let me share with you our simple celebration at home.
Our helper who always cook for us was on a four day vacation. Melvs and I were pointing fingers on who will cook the spaghetti, since we were too shy to ask his dad to cook it for us. Good thing his mom came back from an out of town trip and immediately cooked the spaghetti for us.


She even cooked this yummy chinese sausage. I used to eat this in Malaysia but I forgot what its called.

And we thanked her for bringing home this Cebu lechon. Of course, I ate all the fats.

Every month, we would always buy a cake for Mikhaila. But since nobody ate it and it got spoiled in the fridge, we decided to buy pizza instead. We made the right decision because there wasn't any left over.

Look how happy Mikhaila was with all these food on the table.

And looks who's even happier? 

Happy 7th month, Mikhaila!
