One Hectic Saturday

My Saturday was not like any Saturdays because Melvs and I had to squeezed in so many lakad in just a day. Our Saturday was originally booked for a good friend's birthday celebration but there was a last minute cancellation because we had to attend a wedding of another friend. 
But before that, we had to run some errands.
Because I was informed late (I was informed Friday afternoon ), I did not have anything to wear and to think that the dress code was strictly formal. And of course, I had to run to the nearby mall to have my monthly waxing.

Since it was my birth month, I get to have a free Eyebrow threading. And I also received my loyalty card from LayBare which entitles me with a 10% discount for every transaction made. I'm so happy.

My excitement eased away because Melvs was so sungit the whole day. Can't blame him though, he was having a problematic day.. hahah, parang meron lang. Anyway, I had to rush home because we needed to bring Khaila to Marikina Valley to have her cough and colds checked again.
This time she was given antibiotics and we were told to increase the dosage of her vitamins.
When we were done with the check up, we brought Khaila home and immediately proceeded to BGC because Melvs had to go to work. And guess what I did there?

Yes, I had to make tambay somewhere while waiting for him. Gosh, I'm so not use to doing this.
Good thing Market Market was nearby, it kept me occupied.

After Melvs was done with this work, we immediately changed our outfit in a public restroom. We were running late, so I did may make up in the car on our way to the venue.

When we arrived, I was so shocked to see that I was the only lady in the table. Melvs realized that the invitation was meant for the Freemasons lang, wives/partners were not included. I really felt awkward. The men was quite behaved because an "ateng" was watching them.

Here are some photos of the wedding

 We obviously did not make it to the ceremony, but we managed to attend to the reception at Hotel H20. Trivia about the newly wed, they met at Starbucks, the bride was a BB. Pilipinas 2011 candidate and their pre-nup photos were taken in Cambodia.

The newly weds were so lucky to have a DJ friend who played all the cool songs at the reception

And here are some photos from the Photobooth or shall I say Photoman. They hired a  guy with a backpack of laptops and printer and went around taking pictures of the guests. How cool is that?! The advantage of this is guests do not have to queue to have their photos taken. If you are interested, you may visit their website here.

Congratulations to the newly weds.

And here is what I wore that night.
Dress from Zara, shoes from Market!Market!, and Blook purse.
