Once Upon a Saturday

My Saturday morning felt like Monday morning because I had to be somewhere in Pioneer by eight. The reason why I spent my whole morning there is something I can’t reveal for now. My brain was so drained that morning, I guess I have never used so much of it for the longest time.Harhar. When I was done with what I was doing, I found my tummy complaining, the hot weather did not help either. The only thing I loved about my morning was the unusual “no traffic in EDSA”.

I came home at around two, and since I was starving, I really didn’t bother about my diet, I just finish eating up everything on the table. Harhar, So takaw!

Saturdays are supposedly my bonding time with Mikhaila however, aside from my lakad that morning, I also had a party to attend to that night (which deserves a separate post).

I regret the fact that I didn’t get to bathe her that morning, but I made bawi naman. After having my lunch, I took her from her yaya, played with her for a while in her playpen. Her playpen is big enough for the two of us. 
 At six months, Mikhaila can now hold thing with her tiny hands. She loves holding my hair and pinching my face.

When Mikhaila got tired and fell asleep, I took advantage and slept with her.
When we both woke up, I made her watch Barney on her playpen while I prepare her dinner.

Mikhaila is such a darling; she has this drama that whenever I leave her sight, she gives a fake cry and call me Mama. It simply means she want to be carried. Such a dramatic actress.

I love Saturdays because it is “Princess and I” time. Oh work, please don’t take away my Saturdays.
