McDonald’s Coke Float and Fries

When you ask me what my comfort food is, it will always be McDonald’s Coke float and French Fries.
Sige na nga, I have loads of comfort food, but this combo is on the top of my list.
So, guess where Mj, Ada, Carlo and I had our meryenda?

At McDonald’s ofcourse.

Carlo was such a joker. We asked him to order the regular coke float and fries but he bought the large ones instead. At the counter, he was already panicking as he saw how big the coke floats were. He knew that we’ll get mad at him for doing so, kaya when he served it to us, he gave us a fake smile.

Look how Carlo was trying to stay really calm. 

That's Ada enjoying her ice cream
And me and Mj eating our fries

Anyway, we just laugh about it the whole time and made a joke on Carlo.
In the end, he forced himself to finish everything so it won’t go to waste.
