Property Investment Consultant

 After one week of training, Melvs is finally a certified Property Investment Consultant of  Ayala Land Inc. So to celebrate his hard work and achievement, Reggie, Mac, Mikey and I decided to celebrate it with him.

We had our dinner at Crisprito in Bf Homes. We tried their Honey Garlic Chicken which costs Php92.

 Mac ordered Lechon Kawali, (I think) I really didn't pay attention.

 Then we headed to a nearby bar, the Tavern Asia.
Ang cute ng bar menu nila, it says Drink List for the non alcoholic drinks, and at the back where it features the alcoholic beverages, it says Drunk List.

 Reggie and I ordered flavored beer. Mine was Hazelnut and hers was Caramel. For social drinkers like me who do not appreciate the taste of beer, I did enjoy this glass of beer. I sure hope the beer companies will consider creating one like this.

Nachos for only PHP 240 

The Chilli Cheese Sticks which has bits of green chillis and cheese which costs Php120 

This Crispy Pla-Pla really tasted good.

 We were given free pitcher of a drink, it tasted like lychee and it has bits of red chillis. I only took a sip cause I could taste the liquor.
Then girls from Winston offered us a stick of their new cigarettes.

This is a Winston Light/Menthol. It is imported daw from Malaysia. When you press that blue ball thingy on the stick, it will turn into a menthol. Wanted to try,  but I dont smoke, so why bother? Haha

Mikey and Reggie. 

Me with our new Property Investment Consultant. He deserves it, I am the witness to his hard work and determination. Im so proud of him! 

Im wearing top from Monkee Business, necklace from LSN Fashion and a Guess bag (gift from Melvs).


  1. Great blog. Your blog is interesting and so informative. Wait for your next blog post. Thanks for sharing information about Property Investment Consultants with us.

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