Ms. Jill's Despedida

Last Thursday was an extra busy day at the office. We were preparing for Ms. Jill's (our boss, head of the Channel team) despedida party, and syempre last minute lahat. Since she was leaving for China (to be part of Nestle China), her party's motif is Welcome to China (i made this up).
Tasks were divided among us.

 Mj did the decorations
 Jude wasn't assigned to do anything, so he voluntarily did a farewell card. But this picture was taken when he was writing his message.

 I was incharge of scanning these messages into jpeg files.
 Liam and I were assigned to take videos of those people whom Ms. Jill had work with.
The goal was to let each person sing different lines from the lyrics of "Leaving on a Jetplane".

And Sir Joseph was the Video Editor. Harhar..

And here is our fruit of our labor.

 This tarp, featuring Ms. Jill and Chow Yun- Fat, welcomed the guests.
 To have a feel of China, another tarp of a traditional Chinese building was hanged. 
And we borrowed these balloons from the previous Maggi event held at the cafeteria.

 Mj did that lantern thingy. Everyone gave compliments on how realistic it looked.
And of course, we had chinese song playing as our background.

 Huli ka balbon! Haha

A bouquet of flowers for her.


The party didn't take that long because everyone has to go to work the following morning. We had a game wherein we let her audience answer some facts about our boss, a video presentation of all her colleagues singing "Leaving on a Jetplane", and a quick presentation of the messages we gathered. Ms. Jill didn't want to get emotional, so she was trying so hard not to cry.
Everyone will surely miss her for so many reasons. But we are all looking forward to the come back of the more knowledgeable and better Ms. Jill.
See you soon!
