Health Caravan

There was an activity in the office called “Health Caravan”.

As we entered the room, Mj and I were given free vitamins for kids. Syempre as a mom, I’ll grab that opportunity diba?
We had free Tikitiki, Ceelin and Solmux.
Next Stop: Fitness First Booth
We just needed to sign up to get a free one day pass to any of their branches.
Great! Now I can go with Melvs to the gym. (Kung di ako tatamarin)

Next Stop: St Lukes Booth
We had our BP and BMI checked and we’re both given free bags.
We both have normal blood pressure and BMI.
REALLY?! ( Yes, it should all be capitalized)
So meaning, I don’t have to go on a diet because my weight is just appropriate to my height?
NO WAY!!!! There must be something wrong with the calculations. HAHA.

Then there was this booth that offers free hand sanitizer, well, more on a free drop of hand sanitizer.
Since the office has hand sanitizers in every floor, we didn’t bother checking it out.
All I can remember about that product was that it provides 24hours sanitations.
It made me and MJ curious. I mean, really? Does such things exist?
Even if you wash your hands many times and hold a lot of dirty stuffs within 24 hours, your hands will remain satinized?
Hahah, I didn’t even bother asking! Well, baka nga.

Next stop: I don’t remember the name of the booth.
Well, it has this thing that looks like a weighing scale, and from it you can lift up a handle such that you extend your arms straight at 90degrees angle to your body, which makes you look like you are on a scooter.
HAHA, nevermind. Basta it’s a gadget that shows or calculates your body fats, muscles and body age.
Click here if you want to read more on this product.
Here’s my result.
Weight: 54.6 KG ( I gained 10kgs during pregnancy)
Body age: 35 years old (oh my)
Body Fat when converted to kg: 5kg more than the recommended fats for my body
Describe all these in one word.

